
A custom-made series of invisible aligners, that you wear over your teeth, is made to gradually and gently move your teeth in the sequence determined by your doctor.

damon sistem ispravljanje zuba

With the innovative technology of Damon system, it’s easier than ever before to improve your smile in far less time, with greater comfort and results and benefits that last a lifetime.

Myobrace is a prefabricated three-stage appliance system designed specifically to correct poor oral habits while treating upper and lower jaw development problems.


At Dentalharmony we put our patients’ interests first!

Dr Kusmuk collaborates in his practice with a great team of devoted specialists in periodontal and implant surgery, endodontics and prosthetics, focusing in particular on the minimally invasive dental procedures and techniques. Beside our dental expertize, we are dedicated to developing and sustaining trust relationships with our patients.

What our Dentalharmony practice can offer you?

We offer a full range of advanced dental treatments ranging from prevention to functional and aesthetic dental rehabilitation in order to provide you with a beautiful and healthy smile. Learn more about the numerous dental specialities offered at our Dentalharmony practice!

Request an appointment

Regular dental checkups are the best way to prevent oral health problems. It is highly recommended that you visit your dentist at least every six months.


Why choose us?


What our patients say about us?

Po preporuci koleginice sam posjetila ordinaciju Dentalharmony. Izuzetno sam zahvalna dr Kusmuku i dr Mirkoviću jer su učinili da sada imam prelijepe zube. Ljudi mi se često obraćaju, pozitivno komentarišući moj novi osmijeh.
Koristim i ovu priliku da ih sve uputim na adresu ordinacije Dentalharmony.
Ana, stomatolog
Nakon dugog lutanja od jednog do drugog stomatologa, pri čemu nikad nisam bila u potpunosti zadovoljna uslugom, konačno sam dospjela u ordinaciju dr. Kusmuka. Svi doktori su izuzetno stručni i detaljno se posvete pacijentu, jednostavno ulivaju povjerenje od prvog momenta. Atmosfera u ordinaciji je jako ugodna i opuštena, svi su puni pozitivne energije.
Toplo vam preporučujem da ih posjetite.
Marina, programer
Sve pohvale dr Kusmuku i njegovom timu koji čine čuda. Rješavaju nerješivo! Ja sam bio otpisan slučaj, ali mi je dr Kusmuk uz pomoć Damon bravica, za kratko vrijeme ispravio zube! Po meni je to najbolja ordinacija u našoj regiji.
Eldar, inžinjer


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