Fixed orthodontics

Fixed orthodontics focuses on patients with permanent dentition. During therapy, mechanical forces (orthodontic wires, braces and gums) are used to allow tooth repositioning in the jaw. According to the patients’ needs, orthodontist can use classic metal or aesthetic brackets, self-ligating braces or lingual braces, which are fixed to the inner “lingual” surface of teeth and are therefore completely invisible from the outside.
Modern therapy with self-ligating brackets is exceptionally pleasant for the patient. Self-ligating brackets do not cause irritations and are easier to keep clean.
Damon system ensures: Simplified Procedures. Better Results in Less Time. Greater Comfort.
With the innovative technology of Damon system, it’s easier than ever before to improve your smile in far less time, with greater comfort and results and benefits that last a lifetime. Due to its exceptional mechanical properties, the Damon system provides quality therapy with fewer visits to the orthodontist and shortens the overall duration of the therapy.
Monday – Friday | 10am – 6pm |

What our patients say about us?
Sve pohvale dr Kusmuku i njegovom timu koji čine čuda. Rješavaju nerješivo! Ja sam bio otpisan slučaj, ali mi je d. Kusmuk uz pomoć Damon bravica, za kratko vrijeme ispravio zube! Po meni je to najbolja ordinacija u našoj regiji.
Nakon dugog lutanja od jednog do drugog stomatologa, pri čemu nikad nisam bila u potpunosti zadovoljna uslugom, konačno sam dospjela u ordinaciju dr. Kusmuka. Svi doktori su izuzetno stručni i detaljno se posvete pacijentu, jednostavno ulivaju povjerenje od prvog momenta. Atmosfera u ordinaciji je jako ugodna i opuštena, svi su puni pozitivne energije. Toplo vam preporučujem da ih posjetite.
Po preporuci koleginice sam posjetila ordinaciju Dentalharmony. Izuzetno sam zahvalna dr Kusmuku i dr Mirkoviću jer su učinili da sada imam prelijepe zube. Ljudi mi se često obraćaju, pozitivno komentarišući moj novi osmijeh. Koristim i ovu priliku da ih sve uputim na adresu ordinacije Dentalharmony.