Early orthodontics

Orthodontics for our youngest patients. Some orthodontic problems are easier and less complicated to treat when they are detected at an early age.

Orthodontics for our youngest patients. Some orthodontic problems are easier and less complicated to treat when they are detected at an early age.

Myobrace ispravljanje zuba

Early orthodontic treatment begins at an early age. It requires early diagnosis and early intervention. We advise preventive control at the age of 5! Sometimes it is necessary to start an early treatment with removable orthodontic appliance and then continue it with fixed brace treatment.

The first orthodontic phase, so-called early orthodontics, will do the following:

  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Enable correct biting
  • Guide the growth of the jaw bones that support the teeth so the teeth grow in straight and the jaw grows in the correct alignment
  • Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
  • Reducing treatment time with fixed braces

The second orthodontic phase will do the following:

  • Move permanent teeth into their final positions
  • Continue improving teeth function and facial appearance

Orthodontic problems that can be treated in a growing child may ease more drastic and invasive procedures that may be needed later.


  • +387 65 799 366
    +387 57 230 204

  • info@dentalharmony.ba

  • Branka Radičevića 8, Pale,
    Bosna i Hercegovina


Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm


Request an appointment

Regular dental checkups are the best way to prevent oral health problems. It is highly recommended that you visit your dentist at least every six months.

What our patients say about us?

Sve pohvale dr Kusmuku i njegovom timu koji čine čuda. Rješavaju nerješivo! Ja sam bio otpisan slučaj, ali mi je d. Kusmuk uz pomoć Damon bravica, za kratko vrijeme ispravio zube! Po meni je to najbolja ordinacija u našoj regiji.
Goran, inžinjer
Po preporuci koleginice sam posjetila ordinaciju Dentalharmony. Izuzetno sam zahvalna dr Kusmuku i dr Mirkoviću jer su učinili da sada imam prelijepe zube. Ljudi mi se često obraćaju, pozitivno komentarišući moj novi osmijeh. Koristim i ovu priliku da ih sve uputim na adresu ordinacije Dentalharmony.
Ana, stomatolog
Nakon dugog lutanja od jednog do drugog stomatologa, pri čemu nikad nisam bila u potpunosti zadovoljna uslugom, konačno sam dospjela u ordinaciju dr. Kusmuka. Svi doktori su izuzetno stručni i detaljno se posvete pacijentu, jednostavno ulivaju povjerenje od prvog momenta. Atmosfera u ordinaciji je jako ugodna i opuštena, svi su puni pozitivne energije. Toplo vam preporučujem da ih posjetite.
Marina, programer